Mergers and Acquisitions
- Represented the owners of a transportation services company in the sale of their shares for $130,000,000.
- Represented an armored car company in the sale of its assets for $15,000,000.
- Represented the buyer in the acquisition of a marketing survey company for $20,000,000.
- Represented the buyer in the acquisition of an information services company for $10,000,000.
- Represented a subsidiary of a major Japanese corporation in its acquisition of the equity interests of a real estate holding company that owns a large U.S. office building.
- Represented an industrial manufacturer in the acquisition of industrial equipment assets located in Mexico.
- Represented a purchaser of certain assets from one of the largest international advertising agencies in the world.
- Represented an international media conglomerate in the financing and purchase of the assets of an Israeli media corporation.
- Represented a publicly traded company in the sale of its diagnostic ultrasound business.
- Represented a publicly traded company in the sale of its ultrasonic laboratory products business.
- Represented a buyer and lead investor in purchase from General Electric Company of a real estate holding company, which owns 19 skilled nursing facilities in Florida. Structured and negotiated equity rights among members of the investor group.
- Represented an international media measurement company in sequential acquisitions of blocks of the ordinary shares of an Israeli Internet technology company, including negotiating corporate governance and shareholder rights and terms of rollover options under U.S. and Israeli law, and the reinvestment by selling shareholders of sale proceeds in buyer’s equity.
- Advised a media company in the sale of the intellectual property and other assets of its advertising technology subsidiary, subject to certain retained business operations and non-competition restrictions.
- Represented a publishing company in the sale of its business to a publishing conglomerate.
- Represented the 25 percent shareholder of an e-commerce apparel seller in the sale of stock to majority owner.
- Represented an accounting firm in the sale of its business to a large national accounting firm.
- Represented a purchaser of a division of a multinational public relations conglomerate.
- Represented nationwide fitness club business in purchase and leasing of fitness club facilities.